
Christmas Sale

30% off for all TMPro Modules until 23rd December 2024

TMPro - Module 174 - Land Rover SAWDOC

TMPro - Module 174 - Land Rover SAWDOC

Total inclusive price* £350.65
List Price: £400.00
Landrover Freelander, immobox SAWDOC.

Memory device is PIC18F252 28 pin SO package. You can read and program PIC18F252 with TMPro

IMPORTANT NOTE:when you try to read MCU and software 180 pops-up, this means that PIC18F252 is locked, you must at first unlock it using software 180.

You can check if PIC18F252 is locked or not before to order this software. Use PCF7936 or Silca T14 – JMA TP12 or CN3 transponder.

Written transponder is ready programmed to start car.


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