Opel, Isuzu immobox Megamos.Memory device is serial eeprom 93c46 SMD8 package.
Expected file size is 128 bytes.
Use TMPro chip or Megamos Crypto or TS48 transponder.
Software shows 4...Total Inclusive Price* £94.09 -
Opel, Isuzu immobox Tokai-Rika with ID 4D-64Memory device is serial eeprom 93c66 DIL8 package.
Expected file size is 512 bytes. Software shows PIN code.
Use TMPro chip or K-JMD...Total Inclusive Price* £94.09 -
Toyota, Suzuki, Daihatsu, Hyundai immobox with ID4CMemory device is serial eeprom 93c56 or 93c66 or 24c04 DIL8 package or Motorola HC705E6 SSOP28 package.
Expected file size is 160 or 256...Total Inclusive Price* £94.09 -
Isuzu immobox SiemensVDOMemory device is serial eeprom 93c56 or 93c66, both SMD8 package.
Expected file size is 256 or 512 bytes.
Software shows PIN code.
Use TMPro chip or...Total Inclusive Price* £178.18 -
Texas Crypto 4D-63, 4D-64, 6D-72 new chipThis software can prepare TMPro chip or K-JMD transponder to following 4 types:
– Texas Crypto 4D-63 Ford/ Mazda/ Lincoln
– Texas Crypto...Total Inclusive Price* £94.09 -
Transponder Maker Pro (also known as TMPro keymaker or TMPro keymaker) are softwares for transponder key making,transponder key programming,transponder key copying and PIN code/security code...
Total Inclusive Price* £180.00