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  • Ref: TMPMod040

    BMW, Rover, Mini immobox EWSMemory device is Motorola MCU MC68HC11EA9 PLCC52 or MC68HC9S12D64 QFP80 package.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: Motorola MC68HC9S12D64 and MC68HC11EA9 are LOCKED.Use proper...

    Total Inclusive Price* £94.09
  • Ref: TMPMod0109

    BMW bikes engine ECU BoschBMW bikes engine ECU are few types – BMSK, BMSX, BMS2K or BMSMP:
    For BMSKP ECU – keys are stored in ECU. Memory device is flash chip ST M58BW0160 –...

    Total Inclusive Price* £220.22
  • Ref: TMPMod0130

    BMW, Mini CAS SiemensVDOMemory device is Motorola MCU 912DG256 or 9S12DG256 or 9S12XDP512
    Expected file size is 2048 or 4096 bytes.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: Motorola MCU is locked, not possible to...

    Total Inclusive Price* £351.35
  • Ref: TMPMod0186

    BMW bikes C600, C650 Husqvarna Nuda dashboardMemory device is serial eeprom 25c160 SMD8 package.
    Exected file size is 2048 bytes.
    Use TMPro chip or Texas Crypto 40/80 bit transponder, for...

    Total Inclusive Price* £1,034.06
  • Ref: TMPMod191

    BMW bikes 2012 immobox EWSMemory device is Motorola 9S12G128.
    You can read Motorola 9S12G128 with TMPro, view connection diagram.
    If Motorola is locked, TMPro will unlock it automatically...

    Total Inclusive Price* £1,034.06
  • Ref: TMPMod0198

    BMW bike handsfree key unit HUFMemory device is Motorola 9S12XS256.
    You can read the Motorola 9S12XS256 with TMPro. Expected file size is 8192 bytes.
    If the Motorola is LOCKED, our...

    Total Inclusive Price* £1,034.06
  • Ref: TMPMod0232

    BMW bike handsfree key unit ZADIMemory device is INFINEON TRICORE TC233-32.
    You can read INFINEON TRICORE TC233-32 with VVDIProg.
    Expected file size is 131072 bytes.
    Software can...

    Total Inclusive Price* Login to see price
  • Ref: TMP001

    Transponder Maker Pro (also known as TMPro keymaker or TMPro keymaker) are softwares for transponder key making,transponder key programming,transponder key copying and PIN code/security code...

    Total Inclusive Price* £180.00